Visualization For Anxiety – An Underused Anxiety Recovery Tool

October 6, 2018

“Visualization For Anxiety Is Like Surgery For The Mind.”

Visualization is a great method to help reduce stress, calm down, unwind, and relax the body and the mind. The method includes use of mental images to get into a relaxed and stress-free state of mind. It is somewhat like daydreaming and can be done via vivid use of one’s imagination and emotions.

There are a number of ways in which visualization can help alleviate anxiety.

When people experience anxiety, the mind tends to wander and there is increased focus on worrisome things. Anxiety sufferers imagine the worst outcomes possible for each situation as well as experience numerous cognitive malfunctions, thereby resulting in a surmounting sense of dread and fear. Visualization for anxiety works towards inflating the ability of a sufferer to relax and rest by increasing the focus of the mind and thoughts onto more soothing, serene, and calming imagery.

The process of visualization for anxiety

Before starting the process of visualization for anxiety, it is vital to ensure that your surroundings are comfortable and safe. Find an area that you’ll remain undisturbed. Remove all possible sources of distraction like pets, phones, and television from the environment. Take off restrictive apparels like scarves, tight belts, etc., as well as heavy pieces of jewelry. Lie down or sit in a position that is comfortable, and begin the process of relaxation.

The first part of visualization for anxiety exercises is to use deep breathing techniques and lower the respiration rate.

Close the eyes shut and try to abandon any stresses and tensions that may be there in the body and the mind. You can also opt for exercises for progressive relaxation of the muscles (like this YouTube Video from my channel) to further relax the mind and the body. Once the surroundings are free of clutter and the body and mind are relaxed, begin visualization for anxiety. Ensure that sufficient time (10 to 15 minutes) is allotted for the session. 

One of the best locations for visualizations for anxiety is the beach because of the tranquil and calming impact it has. You can visualize that you have escaped to a pristine beach with mild sea waves, soothing sunshine, relaxing breeze, and flavorful drinks. Heck, you can take it a step further and also imagine the good looking man or woman you may want beside you as well (I won’t tell your significant other don’t worry).

The Mind Doesn’t Know The Difference Between Something Happening In The Physical World, And Something Imagined With Great Emotion Behind It

Slowly dig deeper into all of your 5 sensations, like the warmth of the sun rays on your body, the feel of the soft sand between your toes, the calming sound of the waves, and the clear blue waters of the ocean, etc. During this time, you need to outwardly relax and let go of the body, remove all tensions, slow down the breathing, and go into a deep state of relaxation. 

After you are in a complete state of relaxation, you may visualize yourself taking a slow walk away from the beach. Later, you can slowly open your eyes and come back into the real world, feeling refreshed and relaxed. Don’t hurry back to opening your eyes, take your time and leave the visualized world only when you feel that it is ok to leave.

If you don’t like beaches, you can opt to visualize other places like a beautiful kaleidoscopic perfumed garden, or a mesmerizing sunset atop a mountain, etc., and subsequently attain the state of calmness and relaxation.

Practice visualization for anxiety a few times a day in order to get better at it!

It’s best to practice when you are not suffering from anxiety, as it will be much easier to access the subconscious mind this way and begin healing anxiety naturally. Regular practice will ensure that you become an expert at visualization for anxiety, in turn you will be able to use it whenever you want with great success.

Do you practice visualization for anxiety? Comment below on your favourite techniques.

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2 comments on “Visualization For Anxiety – An Underused Anxiety Recovery Tool

  1. Chelsea Oct 12, 2018

    I have recently started practicing meditation for anxiety. It seems like it is helping. My process is to visualize a time when i felt wonderful. A memory that i have. I often think about snow and floating peacfully in water. After im there i visualize the enviorment where i have the most anxiety and i carry the same emotions that i get from the positive memories to the place where im most anxious. I imagine myself in that place feeling wonderful and stress free and happy. How i would want to feel in that situation. My goal. And then i end with positive affirmations for myself. You are strong, you are safe , and the opposite of what my “daffy duck” tries to make me believe. I have been doing this for about 2 or 3 weeks now almost daily and ive found when im in that place that causes me so much anxiety im doing better. I dont feel the need to leave as bad. Im able to be in the moment a little more. My question to you is should i continue with this meditation or should i do the “negitive visualization” where i put myself into the same situation and imagine my worst fears? Im trying to rewire my brain to not fear those places. Im just confused and i worry ill lose all of my momentum that i have now if i switch up my routine. But i dont want to avoid anything that i need to address. So should i go with positive imagery or negitive imagery? I guess im afraid im make myself scared of the places that give me anxiety again. Thank you so much for your youtube channel. I watch it almost daily. It has helped me so much.