How I Knew I Had Conquered Anxiety Permanently

July 15, 2024

I get this question via email, Instagram, and YouTube a lot, therefore today’s post is about the moment I recognized I had permanently fixed my anxiety. “Dennis, when did you know?” people ask. It’s a great question since it shows how focused you are on this road of transformation. Discovering the exact moment I knew I had conquered anxiety was pivotal in my journey towards conquering anxiety.

Realizing Change

Realizing I changed was crucial for me to comprehend the factors that were responsible for this shift. The fact that my body was no longer sensitive to the surroundings or circumstances of the present or the future marked the precise moment I realized I had permanently cured my anxiety. I realized this in my physical self. The moment I could confront my surroundings with a renewed sense of serenity and confidence, I knew I had successfully conquered anxiety.

Understanding Dysregulated Nervous Systems

Like I did a while back, you could be struggling with a dysregulated neurological system, which I went into great depth about on my YouTube channel. Traumatic childhood experiences frequently lead to a dysregulated neurological system, which alters our mental filters. It begins to view everything as negative, dangerous, and gloomy.

But these unpleasant impressions are not automatically generated by a healthy neurological system. My whole perspective on my history, present, value, and future changed from fear to love as my nervous system started to stabilize. This change was essential to my success in overcoming anxiety. I stopped being terrified of anything, both inside and outside.

Changing Fear into Love

Fear stemming from internal anxiety sensations that led to health anxiety had vanished. Concerns about potential problems with people, money, and social circumstances also subsided on the outside. My anxiety was fueled by a dysregulated neurological system, which was linked to the stories I made up. I achieved great strides toward conquering my anxiousness by rewriting these stories.

Moment of Liberation

When my body stopped being as highly attuned as it once was, that’s when I realized I had cured my anxiety. I used to observe the waves from my rapid heartbeat while sitting in a bathtub, which kept me tense physically and preoccupied with thoughts. That ceased to occur. With this release, I realized that I had finally overcome my anxiety and could now live a more resilient and peaceful life.

The Power of Surrender

Giving up was a major factor in this transformation. You should definitely watch my YouTube video on surrender sessions on a regular basis. For most people, surrendering occurs later in the process. Initially, individuals must purge any residual bad feelings from their history. This may be accomplished by using re framing techniques, which are covered in my programs at

By reinterpreting previous events, you may eliminate negative feelings and reestablish objectivity. This mental adjustment enables you to perceive the past as an essential component of your development. I was able to declare that I had successfully conquered anxiety because of this strong act of surrender.

Developing a New Bond with Anxiety

Individuals who suffer from anxiety sometimes shy away from confronting their feelings, thoughts, symptoms, and unpleasant experiences. Rather, they divert their attention. Finding more mental clarity and confronting these sensations head-on are key components of developing a new relationship with anxiety. I knew I was close to conquering anxiety when I stopped avoiding it and started facing it head-on.

The Answers Within

We don’t trust the solutions that come from inside, therefore we frequently search for them outside. But genuine anxiety transformation stems from small internal realizations that you can only become aware of when you give up trying to divert your attention. Take your symptoms with you and deal with them head-on, whether you’re heading out for a solo stroll or participating in other activities. I conquered anxiety by focusing within and paying attention to these internal signs.

Choosing Your Beliefs

Even terms like “cancer” start to seem innocent as your body becomes more secure. You are free to think anything you choose about any given circumstance. Because of this empowerment, even in the midst of adversity, you may now form your own views rather than depending on those of others. Making a conscious decision about your views is a big step in overcoming anxiety and developing a mental and emotional health-promoting mentality.

Gratitude for Yourself

The solutions come to you when you live compassionately toward your ego, your lower self, and your defensive sides. Recall that you are greater than your worries. By using a compassionate approach, you may effectively conquer anxiety and develop a stronger, more resilient version of yourself.

I hope I was able to address this crucial query. Remind yourself that anxiety is not who you are. If you’re finding this podcast to be helpful in your recovery from anxiety, please rate it highly and leave a review. See you on the upcoming episode. I hope you have an amazing day.

Additional Resources

The most powerful anxiety guy books on true anxiety recovery are now available on Amazon. Pick up “Beyond Anxiety” and “F Coping” to start supercharging your healing journey today. Visit to connect with Dennis and find the right online program for you. Remember, you are more than anxiety and have the power to conquer anxiety. See you in the next podcast episode.

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2 comments on “How I Knew I Had Conquered Anxiety Permanently

  1. It’s incredible to read about your journey and the moment you knew you had conquered anxiety, Dennis. Your story is inspiring and provides a clear roadmap for others struggling with similar issues. The idea of changing fear into love is profound. Thank you for sharing your journey and offering such valuable insights.

    • The Anxiety Guy Jul 19, 2024

      So very welcome and thank you for acknowledging the anxiety journey, much love.