GAD Help And Understanding The Habit Of Worrying

January 10, 2019

“In Order To Gain Control, We Must First Give Up Control Over The Things We Have Little Control Over.”

A pattern of habitually worrying can mess up anyones perceptions over the world and themselves. Once this worrying habit has been familiarized enough it can be labelled as a part of us, a big part of our identity. Sadly, if this is the case the brains filter system will filter things in order for worry to take over before seeing things for what they really are. Let’s dive into some deeper GAD help (Generalized Anxiety Disorder).

  1. Expectation (internal and external checklist)

Over the years we’ve created checklists for everything we do based around the interpretations of external sensory data. These checklists many times get accessed unconsciously, but once in a while we also consciously know when a checklist has or hasn’t been met. For example, you wake up in the morning and you check to see how you feel?

Whether you slept long and deep enough, the feeling is feedback that says the checklist has or hasn’t been met. If it’s been met, you move forward to the next thing you have to do with your checklist ready, such as getting the kids ready for school (this one rarely ever gets met for us parents).

Your checklist is ‘they should be up, dressed, and downstairs ready for breakfast.’ But instead the kids are sleeping still, alarm is on snooze, and there’s only 20 mins left before they have to leave for school! Boom, thank you very much, 7 willpower points taken away for the day ahead. Your checklist determines your emotional states as you go through the day, to gain the progress and GAD help you need adopt the saying: ‘Expect Nothing, Gain Everything.’ Powerful.

  1. The checklist gets unmatched – doubt and emotion arise

When a checklist doesn’t get the ticks you would like it to get, you start doubting your own capabilities and your vision falls apart. At this point you open the floodgates to anxiety (which this CBT based program will help with). For example, when accessing your internal (meaning inner feelings, sensations, and emotions) or external checklist (people, places, situations etc) here’s how confidence gets lowered and doubt arises.

You have a meeting at work that calls for you to do a presentation. Your checklist is complied, people must be attentive (external), the lights must not be too bright (external), I must not sweat too much (internal), my face must not blush (internal) etc. As soon as you consciously recognize that one person in the meeting starts yawning, doubt arises, your face feels flushed, more doubt.

The fight, flight or freeze system is triggered, adrenaline starts flowing through your body, and you go into hoping mode. Hoping that it ends soon so you can leave. A pairing is then created between your abilities to live up to the demands of work, you start doubting your capabilities as a human, and the labels of an anxiety sufferer get more deeply embedded within.

  1. Action and inaction arise

After a checklist gets fulfilled or unfulfilled internal or external, action or inaction follows. You cut days off work, you stay in your comfort zone at home, you shy away from your relationships, people start wondering about you and now your social life is cirfuffled along with your true identity. The action and non action part of your life due to an unfulfilled checklists accumulates, and connects to other areas of your life. This makes it even harder to adjust to the GAD help you may be receiving.

For example, you question your skill level at work which may lead to labelling your career as the wrong choice, you question your health eventually plugging yourself into every physical ailment on the planet (Health Anxiety). You become more and more invested in fear, doubt, and regret that you push love, fulfillment, and compassion for yourself and others farther into the distance. All because your checklist didn’t get met, once.

  1. A result is achieved

The results in your life are a direct result of what your internal and external checklists are, and whether they get met or not on the day. A result is not based on whether you take action or not, it’s based on the kind of action you take. Little inner strength, courage, and proper skill sets to deal with challenges, lead to little action.

Since everything is energy we are unconsciously always in communication with everything. We pick up everything, and everything picks up on us and our energy fields based on the way we feel, what we think, what core beliefs we have are emanating within us and to the outside world. Your actions are a direct result of the type of checklist you have for yourself and whether it gets met or not on that day.

  1. Result strengthens original core belief

Depending on the result of your actions, you move towards a new belief about the situation and yourself, or your old limiting beliefs get strengthened (not good for your personal GAD help). Either I’m a capable person, or I’m not. Either I cement my health anxiety label, or I begin poking holes into it because I showed myself I can ride the wave of sensations without it interfering in what I need to do. Interpretations are always being made, we’re not conscious of most of them because the brain likes it this way, it’s efficient and less energy gets used up. 

  1. Perceptions and interpretations follow.

‘I am so and so’ and ‘I am capable of so and so’ or ‘I’m not good at so and so.’ These perceptions are a result of past memories that are stored as emotional traumas (this video will explain further, which will also provide you immense GAD help). Memories that met or didn’t meet your checklist. Interpretations begin arising quickly without the conscious mind becoming aware, and our safety intuition lets us know what we’re capable of and what we’re not depending on the situation.

So what do you do to get some GAD help, and begin healing yourself starting today?

  1. Re-organize your internal and external checklists
  2. Recognize when the old checklist shows up and replace the perception. If my face gets flushed, I look cute, or I look more tanned. People are so caught up in their own world anyway that they couldn’t care less about your face, sorry
  3. See emotions as safety signals sent from the subconscious storage system, and understand that you neither have to act on a thought or a feeling. It’s just a warning based on your past experiences

Here’s a Video From My YouTube Channel That Shares The 5 Signs I Was On My Ways To Anxiety Recovery. Enjoy!

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4 comments on “GAD Help And Understanding The Habit Of Worrying

  1. Bradley Jekiel Jan 15, 2019

    Dennis the last four years have been hell. I live in wisconsin and my parents lived in Florida. Their health started to deteriorate and I had to travel to Florida for months without pay to help them. I was getting up to 10 phone calls a day and night to do something for them, but they refused help and would not move to us so I could help. They passed away a week apart. Then a month later I received two phone calls in one day by doctors saying I had two different cancers, which I did not have. I started having anxiety after this. My doctor put me on Celexa which I had a severe reaction to, and ended in the hospital three times. It took months for the side effects to leave. I now have severe anxiety and panic attacks, and i’m on Seroquel that helps a little. I’m in therapy but still have negative thoughts, anxiety with fear. During this time I was drinking a lot. I am not drinking now. The anxiety attacks are very intense, burning skin, chills, internal buzzing and an intense sense of doom, and I fear everyday I’m going to get these attacks. I’m trying to change my thought process, but I don’t know how to handle these anxiety attacks. My therapist says I have PTSD also and it could be a long time to get over this. I don’t know how to deal with this anxiety. My wife says I worry and think to much. I’ve been watching your videos and I hope I can change my thought process and get to the root of my anxiety. I just don’t know how. I know anxiety can’t kill me, but trying to live my life right now is hard. sometimes the anxiety last all day. I’ll keep watching your videos and try what helped you, and continue with therapy.

  2. Are you proposing a “cure” for anxiety?. .