3 Powerful Lifestyle Tweaks To Help With Anxiety Disorder

November 9, 2017

Help With Anxiety Disorder Begins With Changing Your Habits.

Anxiety can be quite debilitating and disruptive of everyday life, and we’re now learning that medications are not the only way to get rid of anxiety. There are several things that can help with anxiety, and one of them is changes in lifestyle. Below are 3 powerful lifestyle tweaks to help with anxiety:

1. Please! Avoid Overindulging In Your Smartphone 

Studies have shown that over-use of your smartphone can trigger the sympathetic nervous system which can lead to consistent levels of anxiety. They can be distractive, along with other things for your attention, and restrict the ability of the brain to process data, thereby leading to elevated stress.

Smartphones are a gadget that bring all the troubles of the world right into your home. There is no event that can result in more anxiety than an urgent email or some bad news that you get as a text message. Hence, avoid checking the phone immediately after you wake up. You do not want to begin the day on a stressful note, so you’ll want to watch this video for the best tools to eliminate morning anxiety.

2. Eat Right and Exercise Right 

Over 90 percent of the happy hormone serotonin receptors are located in the digestive tract. Hence, what you eat directly affects your mood and anxiety. Plant fiber can help reduce anxiety. It is thus a good option to have plant-based balanced meals. Veggies and fruits can help maintain bacteria balance in the gut, stabilize the levels of blood glucose, and help avoid rapid mood changes.
Include root veggies and other smart carbs in place of pasta, white rice, bread, and other starchy grains.

Coffee is known to induce anxiety attacks. Hence, limit coffee intake or replace it with green tea. The latter has L-theanine which helps decrease stress and promote calmness. You can also opt for lemon tea or other kinds of herbal tea instead of coffee.

Do not skip meals as it can increase stress in the body

Skipping meals can cause the sympathetic nervous system to become increasingly active, thereby triggering a flight or fight response, which can then result in increased anxiety.

Regular exercise can also help prevent mood swings and alleviate anxiety. Exercise increases endorphins in the body which calms the mind and increases happiness. You can also go for deep breathing techniques, yoga, meditation, walking, jogging, and/or HIIT (high-intensity interval training) which can all help with anxiety.

3. Have a good night sleep

Anxiety tends to rise naturally if the body and mind is deprived of sleep. Hence, it is important to get a good nights sleep for at least eight hours. Anxiety can sometimes prevent you from falling asleep. In such cases, you can drink herbal teas like lavender tea or chamomile tea to induce sleep. You can even begin a breakthrough journal to help you fall asleep, and begin the next day with great momentum.


These lifestyle tweaks will help with anxiety, but it’s very likely that it won’t heal your sensitized state completely. That is best done through a proven method based around cognitive behavioural therapy or neuro linguistic programming in my opinion. It helps even more when the person who is teaching you has been in your anxious shoes before.

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