7 Habits Of People Who Overcome Severe Anxiety Naturally

December 29, 2014

What is severe anxiety you ask?

It’s an increased feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease, typically about an imminent event or something with an uncertain outcome. Now that we know what severe anxiety is let’s dig deeper and come up with a few useful tools you, the one with severe anxiety, can begin implementing starting today. Is overcoming severe anxiety similar to ending any other type of fear? Yes, with a few twists thrown in during the process. It’s no accident that some people overcome even the most severe levels of anxiety, while others stay in the ‘coping zone’ for months even years. There are very specific things that people who naturally overcome health anxiety and panic attacks understand and do, that slowly begins to pull them closer to their ultimate goal of eliminating the fears that are controlling their lives.

What Does Severe Anxiety Feel Like?

It’s a constant cycle that leaves people molded so deeply in their anxious state, that many times they subconsciously fear recovery because it’s so unknown to them, and sometimes don’t want to recover. That one struck a nerve I’m sure. But as most of my clients I work with know, I’m all about getting to the cold hard truth when it comes to people’s severe anxiety, and this simply leads to results not years down the road , but now.

Think about the moments after you came out of your mother’s womb. Immediately through the people who were around you, you began gathering information into the hard drive of your brain. This information throughout your childhood years leading up to your teens, and adult years, began creating the person you are today.

Severe Anxiety Is No Accident!

Your fears didn’t just appear in front of you one day, you built it up within you in three different ways:

  • Specific Incidents That Have Happened – The incidents you noticed that happened to you such as noticing a sensation of anxiety
  • Modeling – What you saw in your physical world that you subconsciously began to model yourself after
  • Verbal Programming – What you heard from others

But, yes there’s a certain but! As many sufferers of anxiety there are in the world, there are people who have naturally been able to overcome their condition, and lead a life of abundance and freedom in every aspect. These people didn’t somehow run into the ‘holy grail’ super-duper health anxiety and panic attack ridding technique that no one else knows about. They started with a small amount of will-power, that was fueled by wanting more for their lives.

They built up confidence within them, ended their mental, emotional and physical fatigue, and never looked back.

Here are the 7 habits of people who overcome severe anxiety naturally:

1) They Get Very Clear On What They Truly Want

The power of goal setting is no joke, ESPECIALLY when it comes to ending severe anxiety naturally. Successful people understand the importance of SPECIFIC goals they choose for themselves. That doesn’t mean things like:

  • I just want to be free from health anxiety and my panic attacks
  • I want to be able to drive to work again without fear
  • I want to be able to get on a plane again, and see the world

These goals aren’t specific enough, and your brain will surely let you know that because you’ll see it in your results. If your mind doesn’t have a very clear and specific goal, you’ll never create the road-map in order to reach those goals.

So What Should You Do?

Create 3 very specific goals you want for yourself, before taking on any type of therapy, and program to end your health anxiety naturally. These can be things like:

  • By the end of next week, when I take a shower I want to be able to turn my attention away from my sensations of anxiety, to what I need to get done during the day
  • I want to be able to ride my stationary bike I bought for 20 minutes per day by the first week of next month. Even in the face of my great fears such as heart palpitations
  • By the beginning of February, I want to be able to get on a plane and visit the City of Rome once and for all.

Do you see how these goals are specific, and have some sort of time based goal to go along with it? By creating specific goals such as these, you’ll be able to systematically expose yourself to your fears that will ultimately lead you to reaching your biggest goal in the time you allow.

2) They Look At It As A Lifestyle, Not Just A Solution To Anxiety

Have you ever gotten really excited over something, only to become disinterested just a few days later? Want to know why that was? Simply because you had no leverage, nothing to hold on to, nothing to push you through the hard times that would inevitably show up as you worked towards a goal. When it comes to people who naturally overcome anxiety, they understand that this journey towards confidence and desensitization comes with a price.

That price is that they know they have to make this a lifestyle change in all aspects

I’ll give you a very good example in my own life as a tennis professional on the ATP tour. There was a time when my backhand was absolutely atrocious, my forehand was great, my serve was excellent, but I had no backhand.

Not only did I have to work on the technical side to improving my backhand, but I had to work on being tactically smarter as well. Along with the tactical side, my tennis coach filled me in on a secret I didn’t know at the time, my movement to my backhand, was much slower than my movement to my forehand side.

That meant I needed to improve the physical side of things to improve my backhand also!

It didn’t end there, to become faster whether it’s on the tennis court, or as a sprinter, or marathon runner etc what do you think that would entail? You got it, a healthier nutrition plan because I was a ‘grab-and-go’ kind of eater back then which did nothing for my speed.

But it gets better. What is the main ingredient/skill that you think you need in order to desensitize yourself from your current fears, that was the same ingredient/skill I needed to improve my backhand? Mental toughness of course because learning a new skill takes adjustment, and a will to step out of your current limiting habits.

So as you can see, ending anxiety naturally means looking at it as a complete lifestyle change. It involves a combination of the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual skills needed to not only end anxiety, but to continue living in a way where you won’t fall back into your previous anxious mind. These anxiety recoverees aren’t superhero’s with special skills, they are just willing to do things that people constantly coping with anxiety aren’t.

3) They Don’t Judge Recovery From Day To Day

I remember times during my 6 year struggle with severe anxiety and panic disorder when I would purchase something that might help my anxiety levels, only to be miserable about it a few days later. I bought everything from online programs, supplements, new age anxiety techniques, herbs, you name it. Little did I know at the time that many of those solutions probably would have done me some good, if only I hadn’t kept track of how it was affecting me every minute of every following day.

Some people call it human nature that we are this way, I call it a lack of
preparation. The proper mindset is crucial to your natural recovery from anxiety and panic attacks. That proper mindset includes the ability to look at recovery as a long-term plan.

It involves separating what will truly re-structure your old anxious patterns of thinking such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and today’s ‘sidekicks’ that might mildly make a difference in your anxiety levels such as certain anxiety supplements and herbs. This combination is a winning one, but make sure you truly understand the power of accepting setbacks, and patience when you begin your natural road to recovery from severe anxiety.

4) They Understand That Recovery Means Holding Up A White Flag To Surrender

Before we get further into this one, let’s differentiate anxiety attacks and panic attacks.

  • Anxiety attacks are when you, the sufferer, knows what has triggered your attack and there is a clear build up towards the attack you experience.
  • Panic attacks on the other hand strike you out of the blue, with no real explanation to them.

In order to overcome both anxiety attacks and panic attacks in a sufferers life, a complete surrendering must take place. The ability to surrender without running, or fighting against a full-blown panic attack and the sensations of panic that accompany it. Easier said than done I agree, but nonetheless can and has been done by many. The same solution goes for anxiety attacks.

Surrendering means letting your anxiety and panic attack know that it may do its worst, it may throw all the sensations and ‘what if’ thought cycles at you, but you won’t fight back. In the end leaving you slightly. or very fatigued because you’ve taken a new approach to your anxiety and panic attacks, but that’s about it.

“With every small victory of surrender over your severe anxiety and panic attacks, a new brick of confidence is placed. One by one the scales tip towards ultimately becoming disinterested in your anxiety and panic, and there lies the solutions to ending the struggle naturally.”

5) They Recognize And Immediately Stop The Habits That Are Not Supporting Their Goals

Have you ever heard the saying ‘to get a different result, you must ultimately do things differently? The people I’ve been lucky enough to witness overcome their anxiety naturally, all understand this saying very well. They understand that what you stop doing, is just as important if not more important than what you start doing.

What does that mean? That means you take a good look at your current anxiety filled life, and pick out the habits you currently engage in that is fueling your anxiety further. When you wake up in the morning for example, do you start the day filled with mindfulness towards your outside world? Or do you brood over another day possibly filled with ‘checking in’ on your anxious symptoms, and living life solely through what your inner world is about?

When a sensation of panic arises do you deft your fears, and implement the 3 steps to stopping a panic attack fast? Or do you run towards reassurance online unconsciously looking for the worst possible scenario possible? We are molded through our habits, and you are either moving closer to recovery over anxiety, or farther away. The best way to see what direction you are truly heading in, is to first take a good look at which habits are helping, and which are hurting your progress.

6) They Live Life More Consciously In Every Aspect

Have you ever heard the term ‘being mindful?’ Well that’s what successful people who overcome severe anxiety naturally do. They turn their attention away from their inner world, and focus it into their outer world. The move farther away from the inner turmoil, the confusion, and the frustration they may currently be going through, and the focus their intention out on their physical world.

This means becoming more focused on the trees, the birds, the cars, everything. Is this a skill? Yes. With every skill comes the need to consistently practice it to become good at it. Becoming more conscious of your outer world takes a desire to do so, and secondly implementing that desire fully day after day.

Soon you may not even notice the little twinges, palpitation, burps, whatever your sensations of anxiety might be causing, because you have already become disinterested in them. There lies the solution to stopping health anxiety.

7) They Give Themselves Credit For Even The Slightest Accomplishments

Anxious minded people will look at a week of 5 good days, and 2 bad days as a miserable week. They focus solely on what went wrong, and rarely give themselves credit for what went right.

Remember: “Where Focus Goes, Energy Flows!”That means that whatever you focus on becomes greater. This is a great habit that people who overcome severe anxiety naturally understand well. They set out to get in their cars, drive down the road and back to their house in one piece, and once that fear of driving for example has been defied, they celebrate. No they don’t crack open a bottle of champagne and go streaking down the block, they re-affirm that accomplishment in their minds throughout the day, and week.

This builds confidence, and with confidence comes complete desensitization from your fears, and ultimately your anxiety all together. So make sure you consciously, mentally celebrate even your smallest goals that you accomplish throughout the day. You owe it to yourself after all the stuff you’ve put yourself through in the last little while.

But you know what else, I bet you know someone in your life that would absolutely love the lessons you learned about severe anxiety here today. Why not share this with them? They’ll love you, and so will I.

Conclusion: So now that we know recovery from severe anxiety is no accident, we can begin shifting ourselves towards the proper mindset that will ignite the natural recovery process over anxiety. If I can do it, you most certainly can as well. All you need to do is prepare well and the rest will fall into place.

Ready To Turn Your Severe Anxiety Around?

Start Living The Life You Deserve. Begin The End The Anxiety Program Today.

Looking To Help Someone With Anxiety? Learn More About The RIC Course For Future Anxiety Life Coaches.

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14 comments on “7 Habits Of People Who Overcome Severe Anxiety Naturally

  1. Andrew Dec 29, 2014

    Thank you for all that you do to support us all.

  2. With Almost 5 years since I got my first panic aatcked followed by severe anxiety, I try to focus on day by day basis and not think or worry to much in the future. To this day Anxiety still present, some days worse than other but don’t let that hold me back. Even though uncomfortable, I still try enjoying life and been able to control my anxiety with no medicine or any type of therapy. Your videos did help me out a lot, thanks Dennis.

  3. Kyle Reidy Jun 7, 2018

    I found this more helpful than nearly any other article I’ve read!
    I deal with severe anxiety every day, and have felt almost hopeless because it’s been years now. I experience dizziness when I feel stuck in a situation, or even when I start thinking about getting anxious. And then that leads to the onset of panic.
    Thank you for this article!

  4. Michelle ibanez Jul 19, 2018


    So this article has been so helpful but I wonder if it helps with people who suffer from chronic pain due to anxiety. Honestly, I wake up everyday thinking the same thing and the thing is “oh please get me through the day. ” Every day is different with my anxiety where sometimes I get chest pains, I focus on my breathing too much that I think I am not taking a full inhale and begin to concentrate on it throughout the whole day and sometimes I even wake up with my upper chest hurting because I wasn’t breathing correctly. I am seeing a therapist but all we do is talk about anxiety and I’m to the point where I can’t take it anymore, it’s exhausting. I have been suffering with this for years now and I am only 31 years old. Is it possible that by reading this article, I can overcome this severe anxiety that is taking over my life? The fact that I can’t even breathe properly scares me. I’m afraid that my brain would not go back to normal and I know that sounds crazy but the pain and anxious thoughts are real. Any feedback would be wonderful. Thank you for the article!

    • By reading it it most likely won’t sink into your new personality. By understanding it and applying it daily it will make a difference yes. Much love.

  5. Tha anxiety guy YouTube channel here will help: https://goo.gl/nyNRVE

  6. Do you help people get off of benzos? I know they cause a physical, psychological and emotional dependence, not to mention the side effects alone.

    • Anything medication related goes through your doctor. I do however help individuals understand how their perceptions and actions are hurting their chances of anxiety recovery, and steadily work to change those patterns.

  7. samin Mar 6, 2019

    Thank you for a wonderful article. I do find this helpful overall, but I have to disagree with the mindfulness part. Mindfulness is defined as “paying attention on purpose in the present moment, and nonjudgmentally”. One of the well-known techniques is doing a body scan, and body scan lets you to be in harmony with your body and feel and accept all the sensations that arise. That being said, it never intends to help us not notice or forget the sensations that might give us the anxiety over time. It intends to let us feel and be aware of those sensations, and accept it with a non-judgmental attitude, which will lead to responding to that sensation kindly and overcome anxiety instead of reacting anxiously.

    • Thanks for sharing. I’m not sure where I oppose these viewpoints in the article as they are valid points and helpful for anxiety,

  8. Vanessa Evangelista Oct 24, 2020

    My dad is 84 diagnosed with extreme anxiety and depression – but also catatonic at times. Two and half years and no relief from multiple medications and psychiatrists.
    I’ve read about ECT and other treatments. Whatever. I wish we had faith or guidance from someone or something otherwise he will deteriorate further and die.