Holding onto fear, worry, over-analysis, and relying on ‘intellectualizing’ every problem can feel like you’re receiving some level of protection. However, what’s really happening is that your nervous system is becoming more fatigued and run down in the process. Let’s dive into exactly what you need to hear today, enjoy the podcast:
If fear is overwhelming and exhausting, why do we cling to it? Why does it feel like letting go of fear would make us vulnerable or unsafe? For so many struggling with anxiety, fear isn’t just a reaction—it feels like a necessary tool for survival. But what if this attachment to fear is the very thing keeping you stuck in the cycle of anxiety?
In the latest episode of The Anxiety Guy Podcast, we explore this hidden pattern—the ways we convince ourselves that fear, stress, and hyper-vigilance are helping us, when in reality, they are draining us. You might believe that staying on edge keeps you prepared, that overanalyzing every situation helps you avoid mistakes, or that worrying somehow protects you from worst-case scenarios. But here’s the truth: Fear isn’t the safety net we think it is.
In this episode, we discuss:
- Why fear feels so hard to let go of
- The subconscious beliefs keeping you attached to stress
- The emotional patterns that reinforce anxiety
- A powerful mindset shift to help you move forward
The fear-based approach to life isn’t your only option. There is a path to inner peace, but it requires questioning the belief that fear is necessary. Imagine who you would be if you didn’t rely on anxiety to feel in control.
If you’re ready to break free from the cycle, this episode is for you. Listen above to start shifting your perspective from the need for fear, towards the love for inner peace.
Comment below on your biggest ‘More Than Anxiety Moment’ from this anxiety guy podcast episode on holding onto fear.
The Anxiety Guy Podcast is one of the most popular mental health podcasts in the world with more than 10 million downloads alongside the Health Anxiety Podcast Show.
It has been selected as the top mental health and anxiety podcast on Apple 6 times, and has been listen as a top podcast for anxiety today on Psychology Today, Choosing Therapy, Better Help, Women’s Health, Marissa Peer and many more. To listen to any of the past episodes for free, check out this page.
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