Affirmations for Inner Peace: Harnessing The Language Of Change

July 17, 2023

Harnessing the power of affirmations for inner peace can have a lasting effect on anxiety disorders. In today’s episode of the anxiety guy podcast I want to share affirmations that speak directly to your subconscious mind. I’ve also included what I feel to be the best affirmations for anxiety in video form at the bottom for daily use. Enjoy!

Welcome to another powerful episode of the Anxiety Guy podcast. I’m your host, Dennis Simsek. In this episode, brought to you by the Health Anxiety Program, we dive deep into the transformative power of affirmations for anxiety.

Join me as we explore how affirmations can help us achieve mental clarity and emotional calm.

Also, we are diving deep into the affirmations definition that you must become increasingly more aware of. 

I want to emphasize the importance of understanding the relationship between our thoughts and our senses. Our thoughts are shaped by what we see, hear, feel, taste, and smell. If we want to change our thoughts and beliefs, we must alter what our senses perceive.

I’ll introduce you to a series of powerful affirmations designed to harness the power of our senses. These affirmations go beyond mere repetition; they tap into our emotions and create lasting change around anxiety healing.

Let’s start with the visual sense. Repeat with me, “Every day, in every way, I’m seeing safety wherever I go.”

By affirming this consistently and genuinely feeling it, we can break the cycle of pessimism and open ourselves up to seeing things differently. Remember, our perception is a choice, and we have the power to see and experience situations, even anxiety, in a new light.

Moving on to the auditory sense, let’s affirm, “Every day, in every way, I am hearing safety in all my interactions.”

By using this affirmation consistently and with genuine feeling, we can stop compartmentalizing what others say, avoid judgments, and create space for empathy. Let’s understand that others’ words are often a reflection of their own suppressed emotions rather than a reflection of our worth.

Now let’s address our feelings. Many of us seek change because we want to alter the way we feel.

Let’s command change through this affirmation: “Every day, in every way, I am feeling safer and safer.”

By actively commanding the desired shift in our feelings through these affirmations for inner peace, we empower ourselves to move beyond hoping or trying to change.

Next, let’s explore the sense of smell. Which has a direct impact on our emotional brain without analysis (watch this YouTube video for more on the brain and anxiety connection).

Repeat with me, “Every day, in every way, I smell a pleasant and safe world.”

By connecting the sense of smell with safety, we can reframe our perception of the world and cultivate a sense of peace and security.

Finally, let’s focus on taste.

Repeat after me, “Every day, in every way, I taste the sweetness of life.”

By using the language of taste, we command a positive perception of life. Let’s savor the joys and positivity that life has to offer, cultivating gratitude and an appreciation for the present moment.

Best affirmations for anxiety disorder video:


Episode Outline 

  • [00:00] Episode intro and affirmations definition
  • [00:58] Using affirmations the right way
  • [01:55] Progression-focused affirmations
  • [02:03] Visual affirmation 
  • [03:11] How visual affirmation works 
  • [03:41] Auditory affirmation 
  • [04:15] Effect of Auditory affirmation
  • [05:09] Third affirmation 
  • [05:48] Fourth affirmation 
  • [06:17] Final affirmation 
  • [06:58] Episode recap 
  • [08:11] The end 


  • “If we use affirmations in the right way, they will work for you”
  • “Every day, in every way, I’m seeing safety wherever I go”
  • “Every day, in every way, I am hearing safety in all my interactions”
  • “Every day, in every way, I taste the sweetness of life”

Enjoyed this episode on harnessing the power of affirmations for inner peace? Share a comment below and let us know how your anxiety recovery is coming along.

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affirmations for inner peace

The Anxiety Guy Podcast is one of the most popular mental health podcasts in the world with more than 6 million downloads alongside the health Anxiety Podcast Show. It has been selected as the top mental health and anxiety podcast on Apple 6 times, and has been listen as a top podcast for anxiety today on Psychology TodayChoosing TherapyBetter HelpWomen’s HealthMarissa Peer and many more. To listen to any of the past episodes for free, check out this page.

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6 comments on “Affirmations for Inner Peace: Harnessing The Language Of Change

  1. Jillian Crawford Jul 20, 2023

    As someone who has struggled with anxiety for the past 6 years, affirmations have always been my go-to. I quickly learnt to repeat them alongside a special recording I made of myself saying those affirmations so I can hear them in my voice. It has dramatically helped my mental health. Affirmations are the way to go!

    • The Anxiety Guy Jul 21, 2023

      Thank you for sharing your own experience with affirmations, have a progress filled day.

  2. Andy Kane Jul 21, 2023

    My favorite line when professing affirmations is “I am more than able to control my mind, m fears and my emotions”. Every single time I say this, I feel more grounded. I appreciate you sharing this in such an open and honest manner.

    • The Anxiety Guy Jul 22, 2023

      Thank you for sharing these affirmations it is so valuable to the other anxiety warriors.

  3. Joanne Jul 24, 2023

    I particularly love this affirmation: “Everyday, in every way, I am seeing safety everywhere I go.”

    This one his home, because I so often don’t leave the house, in case I get anxiety in a particular setting. So if I use this mantra, everytime I am out (even at the grocery store), I will eventually realize there is always a safe place : i.e.: out of the hot sun, somewhere where the air is fresher, etc.

    Thank you for this whole podcast of affirmations! I have written them down, and will put them in practice immediately 🙏

    • The Anxiety Guy Jul 24, 2023

      Very welcome Joanne and it’s nice to hear that the affirmation spoke deeply to you. Keep us updated on your anxiety progress and much love.