How Excessive Cell Phone Use Causes You More Anxiety

August 6, 2017

“People Are Prisoners To Their Phones, Which Is Why They’re Called CELL Phones.”

Whether you like them, love them, or loathe them, it does appear that smart phones are now an everyday part of life. There’s no denying the fact that smart phones are incredibly impressive inventions. These devices are not yet a decade old and they have already revolutionized life as we know it.

There is however, a concern that they are essentially enslaving their users, turning society into technology-dependent zombies who aimlessly scroll through app after app, and becoming more and more disconnected from society with each passing day. To some that may sound a little dramatic, but there is actually a hefty amount of scientific research out there that has heavily linked excessive cell phone usage with anxiety and other mental health issues.

But how can a device that is designed to improve your quality of life, actually make it worse? Well, let’s take a look, shall we? Here’s a look at how excessive cell phone use causes you more anxiety:

Can lead to cell phone addiction

Have you ever found yourself bored one Sunday afternoon, and simply jumping from app to app every few minutes, to see if you’ve missed any good updates or developments since the last time you checked? Perhaps you find that you can’t go more than a few minutes at a time without reaching into your pocket and checking your cell phone. If this is the case, you could be in the early stages of cell phone addiction.

Cell phone addiction is a very real problem, and it can have a very detrimental effect on people who already have underlying anxiety issues. You see, those with cell phone addiction, and any other addictions, will begin to feel anxious if they can’t get their fix. This means that, if for example, the battery died on their phone, they dropped it, or if they were in a social situation where it would not be appropriate to check their phones, the individual in question’s anxiety levels would be through the roof until they were able to check their device.

Can affect your sleep patterns

Sleep and mental health issues are often synonymous with one another, and you can understand why. Those dealing with mental health issues such as anxiety, may find their minds racing and will struggle to switch off and get some sleep at night. A lack of sleep has been proven to increase the triggers and symptoms for a variety of mental health issues, including anxiety.

What does this have to do with cell phones?

Well, if you excessively use your cell phone at night in bed, you may find yourself browsing apps and websites until the early hours of the morning, when you should have been sleeping. Your brain will also struggle to switch off at night if you use your phone right before going to sleep. A lack of sleep will do your anxiety no good whatsoever.

Can result in escapist behaviours

Finally, another reason why excessive cell phone use can make your anxiety worse is because it can lead to escapist behaviours. Some people will use their phones as security blankets whenever they face situations that make them feel uncomfortable. The more they exhibit these patterns of behaviour, the more likely their anxiety increase in uncomfortable social situations.

This in turn could cause them to become detached from the outside world where they would likely become increasingly vulnerable to stressors and triggers that could set their anxiety off.

Do you feel you need to look deeper into your own cell phone addiction? Share a comment below.

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2 comments on “How Excessive Cell Phone Use Causes You More Anxiety

  1. Mehwish (zunisj) Aug 6, 2017

    Oh wow!!! I can related with it so much!! Whenever I feel anxious I try to distract myself by Pinterest or reading stuff on safari. Now I know why every few minutes I feel the urge to pick up my phone again. This is an eye opener!! Thanks!! Will try to avoid from now on as much as possible.