How To Speak To Your Partner Who Struggles With Anxiety

March 8, 2018

“Anxiety Isn’t A Sign Of Weakness, It’s A Sign Of Tremendous Strength And That Strength Can Be Used In Other Ways As Well.”

Anxiety can be an overwhelming experience for the anxiety sufferer. People with a partner who struggles with anxiety need to know how to speak to them and be a good support system for them as this will help your partner as well as you. Below are essential guidelines on how to speak to your partner who struggles with anxiety to create long-term positive change together:

1. Listen well before responding

Anxiety sufferers have thousands of different random thoughts racing through their minds. During anxiety episodes, these thoughts may get so mixed and jumbled up that you may not be able to comprehend what they are talking about. This can be irritating, but the best thing to do during such times is to offer your partner an ear and listen to their problems.

In a lot of cases, just the presence of someone who is willing to listen to their problems is sufficient towards easement of anxiety in sufferers. So practice patience, listen up, and through your knowledge over anxiety respond in ways that will challenge their thinking and create progress, Struggles with anxiety

2. Avoid trivializing the feelings of anxiety sufferers when speaking to them

Even though sugar coating your response to the behavior of an anxiety sufferer needs to be avoided, it is also important to remember to avoid labeling the reasons for anxiety as stupid or silly.

“A lot of anxiety sufferers are aware of the fact that their fears and worries are inflated and irrational, but such awareness does not prevent them from getting stressed and anxious.”

In such instances, the best way to speak to your partner who struggles with anxiety should be with empathy and patience (this YouTube channel will also go a long way towards positive change). Don’t get angry at your partner for their behavior, speak in a low tone, continue listening, and work together towards a resolution. This is a much better approach towards easing anxiety in a sufferer rather than trivializing their emotions and feelings- struggles with anxiety

3. Put the foot down when needed

It is important for you to understand and know the fine line between being sensitive to the needs of your partner and babying your partner. Thus, being ok with your partner not leaving the house as it will trigger anxiety is not the right thing to do. This will not be beneficial for either you or your anxiety suffering partner. However, forcing your partner to get out of the house is also not the right response, Struggles with anxiety

The process of finding that fine line and achieving the correct balance can be quite tricky. However, you and your partner can talk it over and together find the right balance between sensitivity and babying. In case, your partner is seeking help for anxiety, you can attend the sessions with him/her. The both of you can also work with the coach, therapist, practitioner to find the right balance.

4. Ask your partner about how you could help them

The above guidelines for speaking to your partner about his/her anxiety can be of great help to most anxiety sufferers and result in a better relationship. But it’s important to understand that anxiety is experienced differently by different individuals. Hence, personalize the assistance that you may offer in times of need by asking your partner about how you could help to alleviate the situation.

A CBT based approach where you and your partner work together is the best path towards recovery, and getting back to how things used to be between you two. A team effort around a proven system will also give you the proper guidance to further say the right things at the right time, and keep them accountable towards positive changes.

What Works Well For You And Your Partner Who Struggles With Anxiety? Comment Below.

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6 comments on “How To Speak To Your Partner Who Struggles With Anxiety

  1. I would suggest getting him help around the teachings of cognitive therapy and NLP. These problem solving systems will help him reveal the childhood issues that have caused emotional repression, as well as give him skills to deal with the sensitivity today. You may also go through my digital program together with him as it will help you as a supporter advising him and him to shift his current forms of thinking. Take care.

  2. Becky Jan 3, 2020

    As you know, I suffer from anxiety. My sister does as well. I’ve been doing much better from all the help and knowledge that Dennis has given me. I am having a hard time with my sister because all she wants is reassurance. She has an intolerance to uncertainty which is causing her severe anxiety. She wants me to sit down with her and go over things that can happen in the future that don’t even exist. I keep refusing to do so and she tells me, “you’re my sister and I can’t believe you won’t do that for me to make me put things to rest and feel better”. I keep telling her reassurance is not going to help her heal and that counseling (CBT) would be best to deal with the underlying issues. I have given her lots of advice that I learned from The Anxiety Guy that truly has helped me. I told her I refuse to participate in reassuring her because I know that’s just temporary and just instills it in her subconscious more. I have been trying to set boundaries since she wants to call me all the time and just talk about it instead of getting help for it. I want to be there for her but I know until she takes the necessary steps to recovery, I can’t do much more. I know I have to continue focusing on my recovery as well. It can be a tough situation.

  3. Becky Jan 3, 2020

    As you know, I suffer from anxiety. My sister does as well. I’ve been doing much better from all the help and knowledge that Dennis has given me. I am having a hard time with my sister because all she wants is reassurance. She has an intolerance to uncertainty which is causing her severe anxiety. She wants me to sit down with her and go over things that can happen in the future that don’t even exist. I keep refusing to do so and she tells me, “you’re my sister and I can’t believe you won’t do that for me to help me put things to rest and feel better”. I keep telling her reassurance is not going to help her heal and that counseling (CBT) would be best to deal with the underlying issues. I have given her lots of advice that I learned from The Anxiety Guy that truly has helped me. I told her I refuse to participate in reassuring her because I know that’s just temporary and just instills it in her subconscious more. I have been trying to set boundaries since she wants to call me all the time and just talk about it instead of getting help for it. I want to be there for her but I know until she takes the necessary steps to recovery, I can’t do much more. I know I have to continue focusing on my recovery as well. It can be a tough situation.