How To Handle Your Anxiety Healing The Right Way

April 4, 2022

As we commit to the anxiety healing journey we will run into obstacles and challenges. These challenge are mostly based around a world that wants to confirm whether you truly can commit to the new ideas and thoughts you have. Today we will explore this further. Enjoy!

Here are a few points from today’s episode of the anxiety guy podcast:

  1. See your new ideas, feelings, and actions as connections to parts of you that have been suppressed for too long, not things that are separate from you.
  2. Continue building on making peace with what feels uncertain and unfamiliar.
  3. Protect yourself energetically from environments, situations and people that may be draining you physically and energetically.
  4. Continue to work on stimulating your vagus nerve which is the longest of the cranial nerves which configures your nerve centers to the parasympathetic system and plays a significant role in the gut, heart and inflammatory relationship.
  • My favorite way to stimulate the vagus nerve: 4 seconds inhale 8 seconds ohm hum. By focusing on this we are continuing our journey towards making peace with peace.

The important think to take from todays Anxiety Healing guy podcast episode is to keep building good relationships with things you never knew you had a relationship with, such as food, nature, your mattress, your vehicle, and of course your own inner child.

anxiety healing

Anxiety healing is a complicated path that demands respect and courage.

When we can truly respect these inner challenges that arise we tap into answers. This is because we are in balance between our intuitiveness, intelligence, and instincts. When we are in this place of inner harmony life has a sense of flow and anxiety healing becomes a means to an end. That end has something to do with deeper understanding and a clear purpose. This is where you are headed warrior.

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Beyond Anxiety – What To Expect On Your Path Towards Freedom (3rd book) can be purchased on Amazon here:

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F*** Coping Start Healing (2nd book) is now out on Amazon and you can pick up your copy today:

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