To deal with anxiety in the workplace a shift in perception must take place. Not only did I have to deal with anxiety in the workplace, but anxiety in the build up to getting to…

“The Earth Laughs In Flowers.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson Lavender Can Help Your Anxiety- Lavender is a plant herb that is often used in traditional medicine for the alleviation of anxiety. It is one of the…

Anxiety Is Affecting Your Dating Life- Many people will admit that they are attracted to someone’s personality first and physical appearance second. For others, this will be the other way around. But one thing which…

“Misconceptions About Anxiety Sufferers Have The Power To Energetically Hold A Person Back From Freedom.” Anxiety is one of the most widespread mental/emotional conditions in not just America, but around the world. It’s vital that…

“You Can’t Buy Happiness, But You Can Buy Tea, And That’s Kind Of The Same Thing.” For many centuries certain teas have been used to combat stress and anxiety, as well as headaches, muscle tension,…

“Anxiety Can Steal Your Identity Away, And Make You Believe You Are Something You’re Not.” Anxiety stole my identity away from me for many years. I believed I was someone that I wasn’t, when in…

“Communicate With An Anxiety Sufferer In A Way No One Else Has, Or Can.” People who have never had anxiety may find it very hard to understand and empathize with anxiety sufferers as anxiety is…

“Don’t Allow Your Survival Brain To Trick You Into Thinking You Always Have To Fight Back, Or Run From Something.” In the advanced era of today, our lives are hectic and characterized by sedentary lifestyles,…

“Visualization For Anxiety Is Like Surgery For The Mind.” Visualization is a great method to help reduce stress, calm down, unwind, and relax the body and the mind. The method includes use of mental images…

“Those Who Don’t Believe In Magic Will Never Find It.” – Roald Dahl Disclaimer: These are my own viewpoints on the effects of psychedelics and the connection towards helping with emotional distress and anxiety. Take…

  The Biggest Mistake Anxiety Sufferers Make Upon Waking Up Usually Leads To The Entire Day Going Rough. Did you know that your brain is much more plastic and open to changes and direction within…

“Many People Haven’t Updated Their Beliefs From Early Childhood.” Dealing With Negative Beliefs, Most of us find it immensely challenging to let go of our beliefs, especially negative beliefs which we develop during childhood. These…

“When You’re Overly Concerned About Every Bodily Feeling, You’ve Lost Control Of Your Life.” Health anxiety, or hypochondriasis, or hypochondria, is a type of anxiety disorder that involves excessive concern about one’s health. Sometimes the…

“Understanding How Cellular Memory Plays A Part In Your Anxiety Will Give You Deeper Insight Into Your Present Emotional State.” Over the past several decades, research has found that anxiety and other ailments don’t arise…

“Behaviours Become Your Identity, So Choose Carefully.” Despite the age of modern thinking, psychological issues still come with a lot of social stigma. This is the reason why many anxiety sufferers tend to never show…