Top 10 Anxiety Guy Podcast Episodes From 2018

December 15, 2018

“Bringing You The Very Best Anxiety Guy Podcast Episodes From 2018.”

Based on your feedback and the number of downloads, I’ve come up with a top 10 list for every anxiety warrior out there. Whether you’re new to The Anxiety Guy Podcast or are a regular listener, these 10 anxiety guy podcast episodes will inspire you, educate you, and move you forward with me right behind you every step.

More recently I’ve also added the #AskTheAnxietyGuy show every Thursday (to accompany the main episodes every Monday). Your questions matter so much that I felt like if I could answer the most asked ones, more people would be able to tap into long term solutions.

Without any further ado, I give you the top 10 podcast episodes from The Anxiety Guy show for 2018.

  1. How Comfort And Anxiety Almost Took My Life – TAGP 101

It’s time to get personal on this podcast episode. I’ll be sharing some relatable content with you and challenge you in ways that begin promoting tremendous self love for yourself. You can listen to each episode through one of the podcast directories below, through youtube, or through the logo which keeps you on this site.

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2) 6 Steps To Reset Your Circadian Rhythm For Emotional Healing – TAGP 107

Since your sleep wake cycle is vital to your mental and emotional well being, I’m not surprised so many people downloaded this episode. To get your Circadian Rhythm back on track means that any CBT based strategy you may be using for your anxiety will impact you at a deeper level.

What’s your sleep wake cycle like? Are you getting your vital REM sleep nightly? Are you constantly feeling tired? Listen up.

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3) How Symptom Stress Adds To Your Anxiety Tremendously – TAGP 111

To become fearful of being fearful, to be anxious over being anxious, depressed over the idea of getting depressed. Symptom stress causes a person to become tangled up in a web of irrational and unnecessary thinking patterns. This was one of my favourite episodes to make this year because I knew what kind of positive impact it would have on the listeners.

Get ready to put your symptom stress aside and halt the cycle starting today. Enjoy!

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4) The Secret To A Peaceful Mind – TAGP 118

You may be thinking ‘Wow Dennis, that’s one heavy subject to take on and share one secret to the manifestation of a peaceful mind.’ True, it is. But I’ve become the kind of person that listens to his intuition more than his irrational thoughts, if they show up. And I thought ‘what a great time to share my own personal key’ to a peaceful mind through a podcast episode.

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5) ALIGNMENT – The Missing Piece To Anxiety Recovery – TAGP 124

Taking action without being in alignment with the identity you wish to become is close to useless. How else can we explain the overwhelming amount of people out there doing everything right, and seeing very minimal if any progress over anxiety? This podcast episode will need an open mind from you, but if you allow it to happen, it will impact you in a deep way.

When alignment shows up, every new action gets a greater reward.

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6) Relaxation Anxiety – Why Calmness Is So Challenging For You – TAGP 129

Imagine going through all the right motions and never feeling the way you want to. In the case of this podcast episode we’re talking about feeling a sense of calmness and inner peace. Some people have tremendous difficulty tapping into this inner world. I’ll show you why, and what to do about it in this episode.

You’re not alone, many people face similar challenges to you, so keep your head up and keep moving forward.

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7) 3 Powerful Ways To Counter Negative Thinking – TAGP 131

Since our thoughts play such a vital role in our emotional states, I had a feeling this episode would be popular with everyone. Not only was it popular, but the feedback received from implementing the 3 ways to counter negative thinking was brilliant. The power of Neuroplasticity! The ability for each and every one of us to re-wire our associations in the brain!

That warm and fuzzy feeling I get when I hear progress, love it.

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8) The Greatest Roadblock To Health Anxiety Recovery – TAGP 143

One of the greatest tennis players ever lived Ivan Lendl said ‘if you are prepared, you have no reason to be nervous.’ I’m taking a similar stance in the face of health anxiety for this episode. I’ll prepare you to anticipate the potential challenge on your way to health anxiety recovery, so that your skills will show up to counter the challenge in the moment.

Got health anxiety? Listen to this one twice if you haven’t already.

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9) 6 Reasons Anxiety Sufferers Need To Be More Like Spider-Man! – TAGP 155

What in the world could Spider-Man have to do with suffering from anxiety? Plenty, by the looks of the love I got from listeners of this episode. The characteristics Spider-Man exudes are the exact traits someone suffering from anxiety must adopt and practice daily. One of my favourite anxiety guy podcast episodes to amen

Ready to become the super-hero you always wanted to be?

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10) 5 Greatest Ancient Teachings For Your Anxiety And Mental Health – TAGP 159

In this episode we’re re-visiting the ancients who had a thing or two to say about anxiety and mental health. The teachings in this episode have given thousands of people tremendous clarity. This clarity has translated into opening up new perspectives over things that are concerning to a person, and that is where the magic lives.

Always, open your mind to new possibilities.

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I’m tremendously excited to continue bringing you the very best in anxiety support, and keys to self mastery. The Anxiety Guy Podcast Episodes will continue to be available on many different platforms from iTunes, to Podbean, to TuneIn. Podcasting has become a valuable platform for me to help you in any way I can, and I thank you for trusting in me and supporting me so I can do what I love doing each day.

If you’re new to The Anxiety Guy Podcast Episodes I’m excited for you, and hope you’ll join us on the Facebook Tribe as well where I’ll be doing a Live Session on Facebook Live Every Saturday Night PST Time! 

It would mean the world to me if you could take just a few minutes to positively Rate & Review the podcast on iTunes if it’s helping you.

Thanks for listening to the anxiety guy podcast episodes. Wishing you all the very best in 2019 and beyond.

Dennis ❤️

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