Why allow our emotional bodies to dictate how we think and who we are, when we can work with the body instead, right? I mean for how long have you been pushed around by your…

To explain unresolved trauma we have to first change the meaning of trauma. Many people think of it as physical abuse, rape, a car crash, or maybe even the death of a loved one. But…

My latest book Fuck Coping Start Healing is now out on Amazon as a #1 new release in Canada and I couldn’t be happier. My happiness comes from the transformations anxiety sufferers will be making…

People have been asking me whether there is actually such a thing as energy vampires that steal the life force out of others? The answer, at least in my world is yes. There are people…

Feeling anxious? Can’t sleep? Originally Intended for people with mental health conditions and children with autism, it was not long before mainstream society discovered weighted blankets for anxiety and insomnia. While the idea might appear arbitrary…

This review of the popular book Outwitting The Devil will also come with an important summary for those currently suffering from anxiety. I’ve read this book multiple times and I believe there are some important…

Quotes for mental health can have a positive impact on the path you’re on. But, the key isn’t within the addiction to these sayings, but rather within your ability to seek deeper understanding as well…

Relationship anxiety comes down to disagreements within the relationship led by the ego mind. This ego mind is very much selfish, focused on the extremes of everything, and is threatened by the littles things. In…

I know, bold and exciting statement. I bet you’re wondering what this ‘best herb for anxiety and healing’ could possibly be as the desperation for an emotional shift grows within. I’ve been there, I understand,…

I don’t care what anyone thinks, separation anxiety sucks. To the mentally and emotionally balanced individual it may seem comedic. I know my friends and family ridiculed me on this fear for years, mentioning how it…

Anxiety disorder symptoms are the biggest pain in the ass anyone could ever experience. I only say ‘bad’ words when I’m passionately sure of something, and this I am sure of. Health anxiety disorder sufferers…

I have to admit, I used to be addicted to mental health quotes. I still love them but nowadays I see them differently then I used to. Back during my darkest days with an anxiety…

To end negative thinking one must consistently present themselves with alternative options. Let’s be honest, negative thinking can affect every aspect of a persons life. A person may get to a point in their lives…

Health anxiety disorder is quickly becoming a common theme among sensitized people today. The addiction to worry and suffering that was brought on unconsciously and consciously early on in life has the ability to transfer…