Reducing anxiety led by a chronically stressful lifestyle along with mental and emotional overwhelm is key. Here’s how… Anxiety warriors have a very good understanding of what’s known as exposure therapy. This is where a…

”The Health Anxiety Podcast Show Will Change The Way We Talk About, And Heal Health Anxiety.” The world is becoming more and more sensitized to the feelings in their body. Misinterpretations are now very common…

“If These 4 Programs Are A Part Of Your Core Beliefs, Your Positive Progress Won’t Be Maintained For Long.” Do you know about Anxiety and Depression how you can tell what you believe your true…

Health Anxiety Is To Be Understood Before Being Cured. It warms my heart when a #morethananxiety warrior comments on one of my podcast episodes or YouTube videos saying how they ‘feel less’ alone after listening…

“Maintaining Progress Over Anxiety is Challenging, But Not As Challenging As Living With Anxiety Forever.” Warriors, I’ve got an exciting #AskTheAnxietyGuy show for you today. Questions have been rolling in through social media over the…

“Don’t Believe Everything You Think.”    Experiences of anxiety coupled with over-worrying can find transformation through inspirational statements that act as motivators. Quotes that stand as the starting point lead people toward achieving their true…

“One Powerful Health Anxiety Story Can Lead To Incredible Changes In Other People.” In the inspirational video below I share the amazing journey I had through a mental health facility. The journey was amazing because…

“Fear Of Death Is Worse Than Death Itself.” Get ready for the health anxiety help you truly need. Life wasn’t meant to be lived in a constant state of fear at every corner. That is…