“Anxiety Can Steal Your Identity Away, And Make You Believe You Are Something You’re Not.” Anxiety stole my identity away from me for many years. I believed I was someone that I wasn’t, when in…

“Don’t Allow Your Survival Brain To Trick You Into Thinking You Always Have To Fight Back, Or Run From Something.” In the advanced era of today, our lives are hectic and characterized by sedentary lifestyles,…

“The Reptilian Brain Will Jump On Any Opportunity You Give it To Perceive Danger.” The most ancient of our brains commonly referred to as the reptilian brain, or lizard brain is highly instinctual in nature….

“Being Afraid Of Things Going Wrong Isn’t The Way To Make Things Go Right.” The words we use with others, as well as ourselves though our internal self talk is crucial to overcoming anxiety. To…

‘I’d Much Rather Die For A Cause, Than To Live A Life That Is Worthless.” Anxiety is often regarded to be a part of a bigger problem that is intertwined with low self-esteem, no direction…

“The Deepest Levels Of Change Occur When You Help Someone Else In Need.” It’s truly an amazing feeling to help someone in need, but when it does good for you and your anxiety recovery as…

“Prepare For A Crisis Well Before It Happens.” I get many emails every day from people dealing with anxiety asking me for tips and advice. Many times though I’m quite hesitant about giving the tip…

Help With Anxiety Disorder Begins With Changing Your Habits. Anxiety can be quite debilitating and disruptive of everyday life, and we’re now learning that medications are not the only way to get rid of anxiety. There…

“Take A Deep Breath, Slow Down, And Trust The Process.” Here’s why slowing down is so important for anxiety… Slowing Down Is So Important For Anxiety-The modern life is very hectic and is marked by…

“Apologizing for your anxiety is not helpful, to you and others.” A sincere apology is a positive thing and an act that allows you to increase your comfort in your surroundings. Apologizing can in fact…

“Good Habits Are As Addictive As Bad Habits, And A Lot More Rewarding.” Preventing Anxiety-Anxiety can be a very bothersome and discomforting condition. Below are the strategies you need for preventing anxiety: 1. Talk to…

“Some People Expend Tremendous Amounts Of Energy Merely Trying To Look And Feel Normal.” Many people generally do not understand what anxiety sufferers have to endure on a daily basis. Below is a list of 3…

“Gut Health Affects Your Anxiety Levels And It’s Time To Take It Seriously.” Over the past decade or so, many studies on animals and humans have shown a distinctive link between the gut and the…

“A Little Progress Each Day Adds Up To Big Results.” Of late, there has been a flood of information about the benefits of vitamins for anxiety alleviation. It may however be noted that one cannot…

“When You Begin Realizing That You Have More Control Than You Originally Thought Over Yourself, Change Happens.” That moment, the moment you realize something that never occurred to you before, it’s magic. Realizations like thoughts…