“Nothing Is Either Good Or Bad, But Thinking Makes It So.” – Shakespeare Living with anxiety means to perceive your past in a way that keeps you sensitized. How else can we explain the unconscious…

“Bringing You The Very Best Anxiety Guy Podcast Episodes From 2018.” Based on your feedback and the number of downloads, I’ve come up with a top 10 list for every anxiety warrior out there. Whether…

“We Call Things Into Our Lives That Are In Harmony With The Way We Feel.” Some may think of the addiction to suffering as a silly idea. Why would anyone be a participant in the…

“We’re Hardwired To Love But Have Been Conditioned To Hate.” Self worth Imagine leaving the door of your mind open all day everyday for anyone to walk in. Anyone with a suggestion over how you…

“Mastering Your Mental Health Is Much More Than Just Thinking Differently. It’s About Tapping Back Into Your Creative Genius.” If people worked as hard at mastering their mental health as they do their jobs, they’d…

To deal with anxiety in the workplace a shift in perception must take place. Not only did I have to deal with anxiety in the workplace, but anxiety in the build up to getting to…

“The Best Anxiety Support Person Is Someone Who Has Adopted The Willingness To Learn About Your Challenges.” As a former sufferer of multiple anxiety disorders I understand the fact that we are the only ones…

          Reduces stress With the euphoria of marijuana legalization sweeping most parts of North America, some still have no idea how much cannabidiol (CBD) figures in the discussion. CBD, particularly the…

“Death Is Not The Biggest Fear We Have; Our Biggest Fear Is Taking The Risk To Be Alive And To Express What We Really Are.” – Don Miguel Ruiz Ancient Teachings For Your Anxiety The…

“The Lonely World Of Living With Anxiety And Emotional Distress Becomes Even Lonelier When Others Don’t Understand.” Mental Health Challenges With that quote said though, let me create some deeper understanding here; this blog post…

“Anxiety During The Holidays Can Lead You To Hoping For A Miracle During The New Year.” Today on a power packed episode of the ask the anxiety guy show we’re discussing the stresses of family…

“Going Through Anxiety, And Coming Out On The Other Side Will Literally Turn You Into A Super-Hero.” Lessons Only Anxiety Can Teach You – You may not see it now, but this anxiety journey might…

“The Earth Laughs In Flowers.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson Lavender Can Help Your Anxiety- Lavender is a plant herb that is often used in traditional medicine for the alleviation of anxiety. It is one of the…

“Low self confidence due to anxiety is a common issue, you are not alone.” This week on the Ask The Anxiety Guy Show I’m taking one question, and one question only. The question that was…

“I Believe There Is A Hero In All Of Us.” – Spider-Man You may be asking yourself ‘Dennis, what in the world does Spider-Man have to do with suffering with anxiety?’ A lot actually, he’s…