What Is The #AskTheAnxietyGuy Show? Warriors, I’m thrilled to be able to give you more of what you want! The #AskTheAnxietyGuy show is a weekly Q&A between the person going through emotional distress (or someone…

“Sensations Of Anxiety Are Nothing More Than Questions To Your Mind.” Understanding can be as important as action. Committing to understanding why you experience these bodily sensations of anxiety if you’re an anxiety sufferer many…

“Many People Haven’t Updated Their Beliefs From Early Childhood.” Dealing With Negative Beliefs, Most of us find it immensely challenging to let go of our beliefs, especially negative beliefs which we develop during childhood. These…

“Relaxation Anxiety Leads To Thinking You Can’t Stay Still, And Must Keep Your Plate Constantly Full.” As the questions starting rolling in for me around why it was so hard for people to relax, I…

“If We Can Learn How To Respond To Panic Rather Than React, Everything Changes.” To live in constant panic means to have a worldview that says ‘this world is unsafe.’ For people like this the…

“When You’re Overly Concerned About Every Bodily Feeling, You’ve Lost Control Of Your Life.” Health anxiety, or hypochondriasis, or hypochondria, is a type of anxiety disorder that involves excessive concern about one’s health. Sometimes the…

“My Health Anxiety Struggle Was Some Of The Darkest Days I Ever Had.” As the questions rolled in throughout the last few weeks, I realized how many people out there are bewildered health anxiety sufferers….

“Understanding How Cellular Memory Plays A Part In Your Anxiety Will Give You Deeper Insight Into Your Present Emotional State.” Over the past several decades, research has found that anxiety and other ailments don’t arise…

“To Generalize Other People Limits Our Ability To Be More.” We are social creatures who have this ability to push ourselves away from what should be natural. Natural should be the way we were as…

“The Right Vitamins For Anxiety Recovery Can Make All The Difference In The World.” Anxiety is one of the most common mental health conditions in not just the US, but also around the world. The…

“Change Work Can Be Tiring Sometimes, But In The End It Will Definitely Be Worth It.” I heard one of my clients one day plead for help asking ‘why do I feel so exhausted even…

“Behaviours Become Your Identity, So Choose Carefully.” Despite the age of modern thinking, psychological issues still come with a lot of social stigma. This is the reason why many anxiety sufferers tend to never show…

Can anxiety make you sick? Let’s dive in… Can Anxiety Make You Sick? Most of us think that anxiety is a condition fraught with excessive worrying and stress, and is thus a temporary mental state…

“You Can’t Have A Positive Life With A Negative Mindset.” Is being addicted to negative thinking your fault? Not necessarily if you think about how much of what we do on a daily basis is…