“The Debate Over Wifi And Anxiety And Other Mental Health Challenges is Under Way.” Hard to believe, I know. How in the world could something we don’t necessarily think of or even notice throughout our…

It was the year 2010, during a social banquet of a professional tennis tournament I was involved with… The waiter came around to our 7 person table and respectfully asked ‘what can I get you…

When you struggle with an anxiety disorder, all you really want is to feel ‘normal’ again. You hate the idea of arranging your life in a way that constantly takes a detour around your fears. But your…

Here’s a great question that I get daily, and I thought I would tackle head on today with my readers here. How can you truly stop an anxiety disorder, well the answer just might surprise you….

Hi everyone! I made this video below a few days ago about Stopping Anxiety Naturally and wanted to share it with you here today. As I mention in the video, I want to send my…

The most significant aspect of combatting signs of anxiety is that you have to accept it. A lot of people will probably hide the fact that they are highly stressed and anxious. Or, there are people…

My parents’ separation at the age of 17 and my dad telling my mom goodbye before departing to his home country was a surprise. For the first time in my life he wasn’t running the…

We live in a world of reaction, and rarely do we stop to seek out the truth behind our actions. For the anxious types, each and every thought can seem like a preview of what…

Most of the obsessions and compulsions of an OCD patient are baseless as we all know. The challenge is how to combat them. The social stigma attached to mental disorders restrains the people suffering from the illness to come…

If you take an objective look at those anxious thoughts you have right now, you will soon realize that they are almost always based upon guesswork and exaggeration. Thinking about a situation in a realistic,…

As I sit here in my comfy chair answering questions from sufferers dealing with severe anxiety, I can’t help but think how confusing all this must be for them. For me dealing with severe anxiety,…

If you have panic attacks, it may help comfort you to know that you are not alone!   You’re not even one in a million. In the USA alone it is estimated that almost 5% of…

Binaural Beats The idea that listening to certain tones of music that could in fact boost your immune system might sound a little crazy to you, but the science in fact backs it up. Soothing music is…

Anxiety Shallow breathing switches on our fight or flight reflex known as our sympathetic nervous system, this has a great affect on being able to think clearly and the obsessive thoughts we have. We’re also…

I’m extremely excited that you’re reading this post on distraction from health anxiety today. Why? Because I want to clear up some confusion i’ve been noticing lately on The Anxiety Guy FaceBook page.   Is…