Anxiety Is Affecting Your Dating Life- Many people will admit that they are attracted to someone’s personality first and physical appearance second. For others, this will be the other way around. But one thing which…

“Sometimes People Jump To Conclusions Because It’s Easier Than Gathering Facts.” CBT For Panic Attacks_How to deal with recent emotional trauma and tragedy is a fantastic question from a member of our Facebook tribe. When…

“Your Mind Has The Capability To Shift Your Heart, And Your Heart Has The Capability To Shift Your Life.” Developing Generalized Anxiety Disorder is defined as: A psychological disorder characterized by excessive or disproportionate anxiety about…

“Misconceptions About Anxiety Sufferers Have The Power To Energetically Hold A Person Back From Freedom.” Anxiety is one of the most widespread mental/emotional conditions in not just America, but around the world. It’s vital that…

“Many Times Physical Pain Is A Manifestation Of Emotions Held On For Too Long.” There were times during my anxiety disorder when I wondered why anxiety leads to physical pain. Doctors had no explanation and…

“Anxiety Is Either A Punishment, Or An Awakening.” The perceiving of the anxiety struggle leads to a mindset. The mindset either leads towards deeper pain, or greater insight. To see anxiety in any other form…

“You Can’t Buy Happiness, But You Can Buy Tea, And That’s Kind Of The Same Thing.” For many centuries certain teas have been used to combat stress and anxiety, as well as headaches, muscle tension,…

“Yes, You Can Get Worse Before You Get Better During The Healing Process.” Have you ever wondered why anxiety comes and goes? Why is it that some days, weeks, or months you feel emotionally free,…

The Fear Of Dying Is Followed Closely By The Fear Of Truly Living. Enjoy the episode below… Epictetus once said ‘it is not death or pain that is to be dreaded, but the fear of…

“Anxiety Can Steal Your Identity Away, And Make You Believe You Are Something You’re Not.” Anxiety stole my identity away from me for many years. I believed I was someone that I wasn’t, when in…

Derealization is a sign of shock due to emotional trauma, prolonged stress, and a lifestyle that is led by the addiction to suffering. Derealization can be a nerve racking experience. Sufferers move through life not…

“The Lessons Learned Through Living With Anxiety Disorder Can Never Be Learned Anywhere Else.” The manifestation towards living with anxiety disorder can lead a person to think of themselves in many different ways. Some feel…

“Communicate With An Anxiety Sufferer In A Way No One Else Has, Or Can.” People who have never had anxiety may find it very hard to understand and empathize with anxiety sufferers as anxiety is…

“If You Slow Down In Life, You Will Arrive Later In Death.” 3 different parts to the anxiety struggle, 3 different answers on today’s episode of the ask the anxiety guy podcast show. We start…

“Collective Consciousness Is The Sum Of The Total Energy That Becomes Your Emotional State.” Imagine having your emotional state be dictated through the energies of other people and things in this world. Welcome to the…