“A Good Laugh And Great Sleep Quality Are The Two Best Cures For Anything.” There is a close connection between sleep quality and anxiety. Insufficient or poor sleep may trigger stress, irritability, and anxiety, while proper…

“Nitric Oxide Anxiety is a Real Thing.” Neurotransmitters are chemicals in the brain which function as messengers. They get secreted from a nerve cell and then travel to another nerve cell where it drops the…

Anxious Patterns “Break The Pattern To Create A New One.” 95% of our actions are unconsciously determined. Think about that. These are habits, patterns, and most of them destructive. But we don’t recognize these patterns because…

“Being A Severely Sensitized Hypochondriac Was The Worst And Best Thing That Has Ever Happened To Me. Lessons Were Learned And Perceptions Have Changed.”  Hypochondria or health anxiety is a mental disorder marked by constant…

Many people cannot believe that I have overcome chronic anxiety fully, and today I share with you how I did it.  I get this question all the time: “Dennis, Have You Actually Overcome Chronic Anxiety…

“Simplify Your Day, Do Less, And Pick Just One Thing To Focus On.”  We can make anxiety recovery so very complicated, and that’s where this episode comes in. This week on The Anxitey Guy podcast,…

“Health Anxiety Is Kept Alive Due To The Fear Of Losing Control Of Our Minds, Bodies, Or Both.” Health anxiety sufferers consistently play out similar patterns in their day to day lives, with many of…

“Mindfulness Means Paying Attention In A Particular Way, On Purpose, In The Present Moment Non Judgementally.” – Jon Kabat-Zinn Over the past few years many studies have shown the positive effects of mindfulness meditation in…

“Don’t Believe Everything You Think.”    Experiences of anxiety coupled with over-worrying can find transformation through inspirational statements that act as motivators. Quotes that stand as the starting point lead people toward achieving their true…

Anxiety Success Story “Every Anxiety Success Story Gives Others The Permission To Follow A Similar Path.” This week on The Anxiety Guy Podcast I’m thrilled to interview Holly Wendling, a person who will touch the…

“Wake Up And Smell The Routine!” When you fееl guiltу, ѕсаrеd, uрѕеt, оr embarrassed аbоut my morning anxiety, and whеn you givе into thе fеаr thinking thаt itѕ tоо muсh to bear, уоur аnxiеtу gеtѕ…

“Confront Your Problems, Don’t Tweet Them.” Social Media-There iѕn’t a single аѕресt оf lifе thаt аnxiеtу disorders dоn’t аffесt, еvеn if it’ѕ in the mоѕt ѕubtlе of wауѕ. Whеn it comes tо thе thingѕ thаt…

For many, anxiety over a Donald Trump presidency feels like a political nervousness. But ALL anxiety is a problem, no matter what causes it. How To Handle Trump Anxiety Stay Active It’s easy to vote….

“Overcoming Health Anxiety Begins With Acceptance And Ends With Action.” Health anxiety is a condition that bewilders many people, including professionals. The idea that every symptom of anxiety can be a life or death event doesn’t…