“To Communicate Effectively With An Anxiety Sufferer You Have To Perceive The World Through Their Mind.” I didn’t say eyes, I said mind for good reason. To communicate effectively with an anxiety sufferer you must…

“If Health Anxiety Was A Sport, I Would Have Won The Gold Everyday.” People must have assumed that I loved myself greatly when they recognized the amount of times I’d feel my body throughout the…

“Googling Symptoms Of Anxiety Can Turn Into A Self-Destructive Habit.” I hear it all the time, “when one symptom of anxiety ends, another one appears.” The life of a sensitized anxiety sufferer that constantly finds…

“Anxiety Can Give A Person A Sense Of Self, and Losing That Sense Of Self Completely Is Something Many People Unconsciously Can’t Let Go Of.” Some people connect love and connection to their identity while…

Health Anxiety Is To Be Understood Before Being Cured. It warms my heart when a #morethananxiety warrior comments on one of my podcast episodes or YouTube videos saying how they ‘feel less’ alone after listening…

Acupuncture for Anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the United States, affecting over 40 million adults. While there are many available treatments, such as therapy, medication, and lifestyle changes, some people still…

“Verbally Sugar Coating The Anxiety Challenges Someone May Be Going Through Only Prolongs The Journey.” Your Anxiety Let’s think of this scenario from an anxiety sufferers point of view. The sufferer is going through a…

“The Best New Year’s Resolution I Can Think Of Is To Find Out Who You Are, What Brought You Here, And Who You Want To Be Instead.” Most of our new year’s resolutions comprise of…

“In Order To Gain Control, We Must First Give Up Control Over The Things We Have Little Control Over.” A pattern of habitually worrying can mess up anyones perceptions over the world and themselves. Once…

“Why Is This The Best Audiobook For Anxiety On YouTube? Because It Gets Straight To The Core Of The Problem.” Welcome to 7 days in my brain. In this audiobook (at the bottom of this…

“CBD Oil Can Potentially Be A Powerful Sidekick To CBT And NLP Practices For Anxiety.” CBD Oil For Your Anxiety CBD oil or CBD is a short form for a type of cannabinoid compound naturally…

Quotes About Anxiety Can Open Your Eyes To A Whole New Perspective, If You Think About The Relativity To You. During my 6 years with an anxiety disorder I used to look at quotes about…

“Unsuccessful People Focus Their Thinking On Survival, Average People Focus Their Thinking On Maintenance, Successful People Focus Their Thinking On Progress.” Disclaimer: The Anxiety Test video at the bottom of this post must be seen…

“Anxiety is Habit. You’re Not Broken, You Just Need Someone To Show You A New Way To Live.” At the time of posting this, the End The Anxiety Program will be 20% off for 48…

“We Call Things Into Our Lives That Are In Harmony With The Way We Feel.” Some may think of the addiction to suffering as a silly idea. Why would anyone be a participant in the…