“The Average High School Student Today Has The Same Anxiety Levels As The Average Psychiatric Patient In The Early 1950’s.” Times of change or transition usually cause some level of anxiety in people of all…

“Gut Health Affects Your Anxiety Levels And It’s Time To Take It Seriously.” Over the past decade or so, many studies on animals and humans have shown a distinctive link between the gut and the…

NooTropics for social anxiety can help tremendously. Social anxiety is a top mental disorder in the United States. It is complex and common. Some people take medicines like Benzodiazepines and Xanax for their social anxiety. These…

“Fear Is Not The Enemy. It Is A Compass Pointing You Towards The Areas You Need To Grow.” Agoraphobia is a kind of anxiety disorder marked by fear and avoidance of situations or places which…

“A Little Progress Each Day Adds Up To Big Results.” Of late, there has been a flood of information about the benefits of vitamins for anxiety alleviation. It may however be noted that one cannot…

“Nobody Realizes The Tremendous Amounts Of Energy Some People Expend Trying To Be And Feel Normal.” Anger, bewilderment, regret, hesitation, need I go on about life with panic and anxiety? It’s important to understand what not…

“We Rise By Lifting Others.” Anxiety may cause a person to feel completely weighed down under the burden of the condition, especially if it is health anxiety or social anxiety. Hence, helping someone with can…

“Every Time You Eat Or Drink You Are Either Feeding Disease Or Fighting It.” Probiotics-Lots of research is currently going on about the different kinds of bacteria that reside in varied regions of the body, such…

“When You Begin Realizing That You Have More Control Than You Originally Thought Over Yourself, Change Happens.” That moment, the moment you realize something that never occurred to you before, it’s magic. Realizations like thoughts…

“Sugar Is 8 Times More Addictive Than Cocaine, Think About That.” To some it’s a sweet treat and a culinary delight. To others, it’s a trigger for all kinds of health conditions and medical ailments….

“The Spirit Always Knows What To Do To Heal Itself. The Challenge Is To Silence The Mind.” Science has proven that anxious thoughts lead to anxiety. After the thoughts have been thought about, a part…

“You’re Fighting A War In Your Head Every Single Day. If That’s Not Exhausting I Don’t Know What Is.” Anxiety and depression are two mental health conditions that are often confused with one another, yet…