“Wake Up And Smell The Routine!” When you fееl guiltу, ѕсаrеd, uрѕеt, оr embarrassed аbоut my morning anxiety, and whеn you givе into thе fеаr thinking thаt itѕ tоо muсh to bear, уоur аnxiеtу gеtѕ…

“Confront Your Problems, Don’t Tweet Them.” Social Media-There iѕn’t a single аѕресt оf lifе thаt аnxiеtу disorders dоn’t аffесt, еvеn if it’ѕ in the mоѕt ѕubtlе of wауѕ. Whеn it comes tо thе thingѕ thаt…

For many, anxiety over a Donald Trump presidency feels like a political nervousness. But ALL anxiety is a problem, no matter what causes it. How To Handle Trump Anxiety Stay Active It’s easy to vote….

“One Powerful Health Anxiety Story Can Lead To Incredible Changes In Other People.” In the inspirational video below I share the amazing journey I had through a mental health facility. The journey was amazing because…

*This Anxiety Test Online Is Meant To Give You Direction And Shouldn’t Be The Determining Factor Of Whether You Suffer From GAD Or Not* Anxiety is typically caused due to unhealthy or abnormal worries, thought…

Kids Anxiety Is Quite Natural… It must however be noted that anxiety is different from fear. A child may experience fear when near a very big dog; but a child who does not leave the…

“Cognitive Behavioural Therapy For Health Anxiety Creates Lasting Change, Period.” CBT for health anxiety is one of the most popular therapies that doctors recommend for emotional disorders. Studies have found it to be effective in dealing…

Dating anxiety is normal. Almost all of us get anxious when going for a first date or the first few dates with a new dating partner. Making a good first impression means that problems will…

GAD or Generalized anxiety disorder refers to a condition wherein patients feel anxious and tense, almost all the time, over situations that would not usually be bothersome. A few symptoms associated with GAD include; restlessness,…

It is rather simple to mistakenly take an anxiety attack for a real heart attack. In fact, most casual observers would not even know the difference between the two if they see it happening right…

Gym Anxiety is Common, You’re Not Alone. Gym Anxiety-For many years I feared the workout area. Imagine that line coming from someone who is a professional tennis player for an occupation, but it’s true. I…

Anxiety Forums-You see it over and over again on online anxiety forums and groups, people looking for answers to concerns about health anxiety, fear of leaving the house (agoraphobia), and information about a certain anti-anxiety…