Sex for Anxiety Here’s a fun fact: When having sex for anxiety 3 times a week you cut your risk of experiencing a heart attack in half! Yes, that’s right – in half! Now that…

“Successful People Are Simply Those With Successful Habits.” The world must not run you, you must run you. In episode #43 of The Anxiety Guy Podcast I want to share some of the life changing…

“At Christmas, tea is compulsory. Relatives are optional.” —Robert Godden Ah yes it’s that religious time of the year again where each of us must go our own ways, and pick the mall of our…

“If we don’t change, we don’t grow. If we don’t grow, we aren’t really living.” 80% of creating any change in your life is your mindset, 20% is the strategy you use. This is where…

Work Related Stress Work related stress iѕ the nеgаtivе rеасtiоn thаt оссurѕ whеn demands at wоrk еxсееd уоur аbilitу tо соре. It саn аlѕо bе саuѕеd bу other рrоblеmѕ at work, such as fееling inаdеԛuаtе, bullying…

Panic Attacks “When I Am Silent, I Have Thunder Hidden Inside Me!” Imagine if you knew exactly where your fears came from. Now Imagine that you had the tools to recognize when fear rises. Catching…

“The True Law Of Attraction: You Get In Life What You Have The Courage To Ask For, And Act On.” In episode #38 of The Anxiety Guy Podcast we’re looking at using the law of…

Our subconscious mind has two main duties: To keep us happy, or to keep us safe. When it has to pick from keeping us happy or safe, it always will pick keeping us safe and…

“Sometimes Life Will Test You But Remember This: When You Walk Up A Mountain, Your Legs Get Stronger.” In episode #35 of The Anxiety Guy Podcast I answer a powerful question from a very important…

“Without a struggle, there can be no progress.” By this point it’s clear. You’ve gotten to the point of no return (fed up with your mental health condition), you’re inspired and motivated daily, and you’ve…

“I promise you nothing is as chaotic as it seems. Nothing is worth your health. Nothing is worth poisoning yourself into stress, anxiety, and fear.” Imagine living with anxiety, it affecting each and every area…

“We all want to become more than we are, we want to live forever, that is why we hate death and create the afterlife.”  Health anxiety/hypochondria and the fear of death go hand in hand….

“Every day brings a choice: to practice stress or to practice peace.” Health Anxiety-The 6 human needs that Tony Robbins talks about is an eye opener. It truly depicts the reasons for why we do…

Best Anxiety Book Here’s my personal review on Hope And Help For Your Nerves by Dr Claire Weekes. A book that has helped many worldwide along with myself. A book that is very easy to…