“To Begin To Eliminate Evening Anxiety, Never Go To Sleep Before Planting The Right Ideas In Your Head.” During my years with an anxiety disorder the evenings were a time to look back on the…

“If I Shut Myself Off From The World, Leaving This Planet One Day Will Be That Much Easier I Thought, As Anxiety Overload Took Over “ Imagine living each day of your life never truly…

“To Communicate Effectively With An Anxiety Sufferer You Have To Perceive The World Through Their Mind.” I didn’t say eyes, I said mind for good reason. To communicate effectively with an anxiety sufferer you must…

“There’s A Right Way And A Wrong Way To Cure Anxiety. It’s Too Bad That In Today’s World cure Anxiety Treatment Looks To Be More Like Disorder Management.” What does it mean to cure anxiety?…

“If Health Anxiety Was A Sport, I Would Have Won The Gold Everyday.” People must have assumed that I loved myself greatly when they recognized the amount of times I’d feel my body throughout the…

“Even Death is Not To Be Feared By One Who Has Lived Wisely.” – Buddha Have you ever wondered why the perception over dying changes so much from country to country, continent to continent? I’ve…

“Googling Symptoms Of Anxiety Can Turn Into A Self-Destructive Habit.” I hear it all the time, “when one symptom of anxiety ends, another one appears.” The life of a sensitized anxiety sufferer that constantly finds…

“Emotional Reframing For Anxiety Is A Necessary Step In Releasing The Emotional Charge Of Past Events.” I am at total peace today and do you know why? Because I believe I’m leading you in the…

“Anxiety Can Give A Person A Sense Of Self, and Losing That Sense Of Self Completely Is Something Many People Unconsciously Can’t Let Go Of.” Some people connect love and connection to their identity while…

Health Anxiety Is To Be Understood Before Being Cured. It warms my heart when a #morethananxiety warrior comments on one of my podcast episodes or YouTube videos saying how they ‘feel less’ alone after listening…

“Disinterest In The Old Limiting Mental Patterns Is The Goal In Health Anxiety Healing.” Today we’re diving deep into the mental side of things when it comes to health anxiety healing. We now recognize that…

Acupuncture for Anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the United States, affecting over 40 million adults. While there are many available treatments, such as therapy, medication, and lifestyle changes, some people still…

“An Awakening Is Available To Everyone, But You Must Be Open To It For It To Come Into Your Life.” What is an awakening, and why haven’t you had one yet? Why is your life…

“Verbally Sugar Coating The Anxiety Challenges Someone May Be Going Through Only Prolongs The Journey.” Your Anxiety Let’s think of this scenario from an anxiety sufferers point of view. The sufferer is going through a…

“An Awakening Signifies A Transition To Our Higher Selves, And Leaving The Old You And All It’s Limiting Components Behind.” So much of the world is tapping into this awakening within, and I’m excited for…