Sex for Anxiety Here’s a fun fact: When having sex for anxiety 3 times a week you cut your risk of experiencing a heart attack in half! Yes, that’s right – in half! Now that...

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It is rather simple to mistakenly take an anxiety attack for a real heart attack. In fact, most casual observers would not even know the difference between the two if they see it happening right...

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“At Christmas, tea is compulsory. Relatives are optional.” —Robert Godden Ah yes it’s that religious time of the year again where each of us must go our own ways, and pick the mall of our...

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Gym Anxiety is Common, You’re Not Alone. Gym Anxiety-For many years I feared the workout area. Imagine that line coming from someone who is a professional tennis player for an occupation, but it’s true. I...

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Work Related Stress Work related stress iѕ the nеgаtivе rеасtiоn thаt оссurѕ whеn demands at wоrk еxсееd уоur аbilitу tо соре. It саn аlѕо bе саuѕеd bу other рrоblеmѕ at work, such as fееling inаdеԛuаtе, bullying...

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Anxiety Forums-You see it over and over again on online anxiety forums and groups, people looking for answers to concerns about health anxiety, fear of leaving the house (agoraphobia), and information about a certain anti-anxiety...

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“Without a struggle, there can be no progress.” By this point it’s clear. You’ve gotten to the point of no return (fed up with your mental health condition), you’re inspired and motivated daily, and you’ve...

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I truly want to get you pumped about juicing on this beautiful Sunday and that’s why I want to give you 8 important reasons to begin juicing, as well as 3 excellent recipes to start...

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“I promise you nothing is as chaotic as it seems. Nothing is worth your health. Nothing is worth poisoning yourself into stress, anxiety, and fear.” Imagine living with anxiety, it affecting each and every area...

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“We all want to become more than we are, we want to live forever, that is why we hate death and create the afterlife.”  Health anxiety/hypochondria and the fear of death go hand in hand....

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“Every day brings a choice: to practice stress or to practice peace.” Health Anxiety-The 6 human needs that Tony Robbins talks about is an eye opener. It truly depicts the reasons for why we do...

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The night before my big tennis match I did my guided visualization session, but this time I added a progressive muscle relaxation session to it as well. My old junior tennis coach would always tell...

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“Courage is not the lack of fears, but the ability to face it.” Thanks, John Putnam Jr. for that amazing quote. The only problem with it is that it is easy to talk the talk,...

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