As childhood trauma turns into an anxiety disorder in later years many people become extremely confused. Talk therapy tells us that the best we can do is discuss these past events in the hopes of…

Treating an anxiety disorder can be confusing and frustrating if there’s no plan. We may begin feeling like we’re bouncing from one suggestion from a friend to the next but never truly understanding what we’re…

Anxiety signs can go noticed or un-noticed. If we notice them we have the opportunity to respond powerfully and change the perception over the thing that is causing the anxiety. If they go un-noticed we…

Anxiety sufferers today want to move away from anxiety and into trust, but have difficulty doing so. In order for this transition to take place we have to first understand what trust truly means. This…

Anxiety relief is possible if the person has a set of tools to counter their anxiousness. During my greatest strides towards anxiety recovery I remember being very prepared for anxiety and panic. This was a…

I’m making this episode because I don’t want you to make the same anxiety disorder recovery mistakes as I did. These mistakes range from the mental, to the behavioural, to the verbal, and even to…

As a former anxiety disorder sufferer my darkest days almost led me to ending my own life (as many of you know through my latest book). Back then I never realized the subtle stages of…

With the infinite number of ways to heal your anxiety disorder today where should you turn? We’re living through the era of information overload and what we really need is some deep clarity. We need…

Overthinking and anxiety, a habit that makes us re-think who we’ve become and how. ‘What ever happened to the old days when I was spontaneous and let things brush off of me quickly?’ one may…

Physical symptoms of anxiety have the potential of turning an optimistic thinking into a pessimistic thinker. Soon the person who is highly focused on their inner sensations runs into health anxiety, bringing with this a…

The majority of Anxiety support groups today are nothing more than emotional dumping grounds.  The distress of living with anxiety and the need to be heard and connect are vitally important yes, but also must…

Straight from the majority of anxiety disorder sufferers, what happens to our 6 senses during anxiety? For the first time in the anxiety guy podcast we’re going to make the distinction between the ‘uncorrupted child’s’…

When discussing the sometimes messy journey towards eliminating anxiety, is intellect or intuition more important? This is one of the more in depth and fascinating anxiety guy podcasts I’ve done and I’m thrilled to share…

Do you consistently get the feeling that you MUST micromanage every emotion that you feel, even the good ones? The anxiety lies that demand you to label and properly act on each emotion can be…