Kids Anxiety Is Quite Natural… It must however be noted that anxiety is different from fear. A child may experience fear when near a very big dog; but a child who does not leave the…

“Never Let The Opinions Of Others Become The Measure Of Your Self Worth.” How many repetitions did you do for your mind today? Meaning, when you embark on a journey of change, your mind will…

“Cognitive Behavioural Therapy For Health Anxiety Creates Lasting Change, Period.” CBT for health anxiety is one of the most popular therapies that doctors recommend for emotional disorders. Studies have found it to be effective in dealing…

“A clear conscience is the greatest piece of armor.” By arming yourself with awareness, you beat the system. A system that is designed to control your thoughts, beliefs and behaviors. I’m simply not OK with…

Dating anxiety is normal. Almost all of us get anxious when going for a first date or the first few dates with a new dating partner. Making a good first impression means that problems will…

“You Are More Than Anxiety” Dennis Simsek With thousands of emails a month in my inbox, and many direct messages, I decided to make this Q & A for you. The one suffering, hoping, and…

“Fear Of Death Is Worse Than Death Itself.” Get ready for the health anxiety help you truly need. Life wasn’t meant to be lived in a constant state of fear at every corner. That is…

Research has shown that daily workouts and exercising can help ease the symptoms of depression and anxiety. Exercising is really beneficial for moderate to mild cases of anxiety. It may be noted that exercising is…

GAD or Generalized anxiety disorder refers to a condition wherein patients feel anxious and tense, almost all the time, over situations that would not usually be bothersome. A few symptoms associated with GAD include; restlessness,…

Sex for Anxiety Here’s a fun fact: When having sex for anxiety 3 times a week you cut your risk of experiencing a heart attack in half! Yes, that’s right – in half! Now that…

“Successful People Are Simply Those With Successful Habits.” The world must not run you, you must run you. In episode #43 of The Anxiety Guy Podcast I want to share some of the life changing…

“At Christmas, tea is compulsory. Relatives are optional.” —Robert Godden Ah yes it’s that religious time of the year again where each of us must go our own ways, and pick the mall of our…

“If we don’t change, we don’t grow. If we don’t grow, we aren’t really living.” 80% of creating any change in your life is your mindset, 20% is the strategy you use. This is where…